Saturday, April 24, 2010

Video on Demand Featuring Jewelry Making Instructions

Making handmade beaded jewelry is a fun and popular hobby. Both men and women enjoy the skilled craft of making bead jewelry projects. The technology of today allows you to download from the internet video on demand to receive jewelry making instructions.Your computer needs to have a broadband internet connection. Your computer can be connected to the internet with cable, DSL (digital subscriber line), or fiber optic internet connection.

The online video player is already installed in the computer provided with the browser. The streaming digital technology allows you to watch the video without needing to download it.These last two paragraphs hopefully helps you to understand how you are able to watch online videos. Video on demand means you strike a button on your keypad and instantly the video is visible to you. It certainly beats driving to the store which costs both time and gas money, especially if you live a far distance from a shopping center.

A Jewelry Designer's Guide to Gemstone Bead Quality

That is why video on demand is so wonderful.This is a checklist of the benefits of taking jewelry making instructions from a video on demand:

It is convenient and is ready to perform on your time schedule.

It allows working at your pace allowing advancement on your terms.

Home responsibilities can pull us away from the computer, but we can return and continue at another time.

A professional instructor is available to you on the video which you can replay often if desired.

Detailed instruction by the instructor with close up angles of the jewelry makes the learning process easier. Being able to observe jewelry assembly and techniques offers a better understanding and education for jewelry craft artists.

Sterling Silver Beads in Jewelry Design

Close up angles of the jewelry making process allows observation of jewelry assembly and techniques.

Online education is faster and you are able to graduate through advanced levels.

Learn beading patterns quicker.

What type of beaded necklaces, bracelets, and earrings would you like to make? Have you considered also making beaded rings, pendants, animals and other beaded novelties?

Beading beads from simple to more complex creations allows you to create stunning jewelry pieces. Your hobby may advance into you showing your beaded jewelry designs in a jewelry gallery in your community or at arts and crafts shows.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Making Beaded Jewelry

Making beaded jewelry is an inexpensive and fun hobby that nearly anyone can do. The materials needed are readily accessible and cost very little money. Aside from the requisite thread, needle and the beads, there are also some other materials that the hobbyist can use in making beaded jewelry. Hobbyists can also experiment with various beading techniques to make interesting and unique creations.

There are several techniques involved in making beaded jewelry. Stringing is one, and wire-working with beads is another. Various types of string are available: cords, plastic, twine. Additionally, silk and nylon threads can also be utilized in making beaded jewelry.

Using hemp fiber in beaded jewelry making is a nice touch - it makes for an unusual product and would also be a great topic for conversation. Wire of various thicknesses is another popular option. Additionally, wire is used to make beaded jewelry items such as necklaces, hairpins and earrings, and to attach clasps.

Beads for jewelry come in all shapes and forms as well. In spite of beaded jewelry's reputation for being inexpensive, a person can also use precious gemstones like pearls and precious metals, such as gold and silver, to make beaded dress accessories. For beginners, however, less costly materials are widely available for making beaded jewelry: glass, crystal, coral, to name a few.

Whatever materials the artist uses, he or she is easily able to customize the type of beaded jewelry to be worn personally, given as a gift, or sold to beaded jewelry enthusiasts.To enhance the overall visual effect of the beads, a number of knotting and stitching techniques are recommended.

There are simple knots and stitches for beginners, and with practice, they will be able to progress to the more complicated and fancier methods used in making beaded jewelry. It's interesting to note that knots have mystical connotations in some cultures. For some East Indians, knots can be used to curse a person.

In Gypsy lore, it is important to untie knots in the clothing of a woman in childbirth. And the expression 'tying the knot' derives from the ancient Romans, when the groom would untie the knots of his bride's girdle before consummating the marriage. In which case, it should be 'untying the knot.'